Choosing a Surfboard

Just going into a store and choosing a surfboard based on its color or its length is not the right way to get the perfect board. There are other factors that you have to take into consideration to make sure you make the right purchase for you. The type of board you buy depends on whether you are a beginner or a pro. This means you have to consider the construction material of the board.

Surfboards or foam boards are the best ones to choose for a beginner. They are safer because there are flags on the boards to tell you where to stand. The bottoms are smooth allowing you to pick up speed when you are on a wave. The fins are also rounded more than a regular board, which means you are less likely to be cut accidentally by them. With these boards, there won’t be any need for waxing because the foam will help them keep their grip. However, due to the amount of friction, you do need to buy a rashvest or wear a wetsuit because you can get a rash more easily on these boards.

Epoxy surfboards are best for those well used to surfing. They have a full-length stripper to provide more strength, they float better and are more durable. They are shaped by hand and have seamless rails and a reinforce nose and tail.

The length of the board is another factor that you have to consider. The length you choose depends on your surfing ability. You should pay attention to tables and scales that tell you the length of board you should use for your skill level and your weight. For example, a beginning surfer weighing less than 65 kg should choose a board about 7 feet in length, whereas an intermediate surfer of the same weight can choose a shorter board.

The shape of the surfboard should also be looked at. The mini mal is suitable for all surfers who like the feel of a long board but want more maneuverability. The softboard is not recommended for advanced surfers, while the retro fish is not recommended for beginners.